Archive for the Post Blog category


Horns #2

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Even though my Track A Day year of posting has ended, some of you are still visiting this blog daily; so a big thank you for the interest. It’s because of you that I decided to keep posting here, perhaps as some kind of musical diary.

Anyway here is the second of my horn arrangement attempts. Like yesterday’s it is intuitively played in with one horn sound, dupicated, then spread over other sounds; today I used the Marsaille gadget, starting with the muted trumpet and then adding the brass ensemble, trombone, and alto sax sounds. Today I got slightly more adventurous and alterdd the octave for part of the trombone and ensemble sounds.

The drums here are from Bilbao and the bass is from Darwin with very occasional Chicago.

Also like yesterday the time is 5/4 which also an experiment for me.



Post Blog, Tracks No Comment

As you may have noticed if you checked out yesterdays MixCloud Show I have started to use horn arrangements. This is a new obsession that arrived out of the blue the other day and I have no idea what I am doing, so lots of research and listening is in front of me. It is going to be an ongoing side project for a while and I thought that I would share my trials and my progress or lack of it with those of you who care to follow along. Motown and Stax as well as Afro Beat are the sounds in my head here.

This is the track where this idea arrived unexpectently. I’m just using Gadget here: a muted trumpet from Marseille, a trombone from Darwin, and a Trumpet sax sound also from Darwin.

Oh and it’s in 5/4 time which I’ve never used and don’t really ‘get’ but…well you’ve got to try new stuff at times don’t you?


Totally Fictional #2

Post Blog, Tracks No Comment

Episode two of Trudi’s radio show. Featuring the 10 tracks that I made last week (or the 10 that I was happy with any way).


Totally Fictional #1

Audio, Beatscape, Post Blog, Tracks No Comment

I thought that I would continue occasional posts for those of you that care to follow my continuing musical journey. I am still working daily though without the pressure of absolutely finishing something each day. That being said I have completed several tracks this week and I thought that I would try a different way to present them. So here is Trudi’s first MixCloud of her new show Totally Fictional.

I hope that you enjoy the journey.

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