September 21, 2015
Awaiting: Named for my lovely wife, confident, best friend, and muse Lene. Who is away for a few days.
A barebones Beatscape.
My first attempt at loading my own samples into a drum machine. This is Patterning, which I recently bought and have not yet fully explored. I trawled my files in Audioshare (recorded over the last 6 or 7 months), looking for bits to trim out. I loaded 15 or so into Patterning, built a drum kit, made a pattern, and jammed that into Audioshare.
Fun Fun Fun.
I’m looking forward to trying this with other apps.
PS All references to the soundtrack of Dead Man where purely accidental (Though I do love and recommend that).
September 20, 2015
His Slender Skin:
Patterning, Dedalus, TwistedWave, Audioshare, Auria, iSpeech TTS, AUFX:Space.
September 20, 2015
September 19, 2015
I’m not sure how to describe or genre this one. But I’m very happy with it.
Patterning, iMashine, Muckraker, FLUX:FX, iSpeech TTS, AUFX:Space, iSem, TwistedWave, AudioShare, Auria.
September 18, 2015
Random Syllables:
Something a little different today, an arpeggiated synth track.
I don’t use arpeggios, sequencers or midi much. Partly because I find it difficult to make the sounds I want, and partly because it begins to have a cliched ‘electro’ sort of sound. But I’m keen to explore all the possibilities on offer. So here goes 🙂
I started with an arp patch in iSem which I recorded into Audioshare while altering parameters. Then I did it again, then again.
Next I loaded them all into Auria and lined them up as best I could.
Then for a little spice I imported a track I had created earlier with iSpeech TTS reading a random group of phrases. I cut that up and spaced it around the track as it seemed to fit.
My mixing is flawed here, some distortion is creeping in; I think because some frequencies are overloading (there is no distortion on individual tracks). But I’m coming up against my lack of skills in the mixing department here.
Some research and learning to be done.
But thats part of the fun 🙂
September 17, 2015
Stepping Lightly Ain’t My Style:
Nothing but drum app. A simple beat in Patterning, using Dj Puzzles’s Funk Step drum kit,
jammed into Audioshare using Dedalus, AUFX:Dub.and AUFX:Space.
Sometimes the simplest of tools is sufficient to tell your story.
September 16, 2015
For My Love:
An Ambient Modal Jam
An improvised jam using iFretless Bass into Audioshare with Dedalus and Echo Pad.
Added two drones from Addictive Synth.
Assembled and mixed in Auria
September 15, 2015
What Winter Has Left Me:
A Beatscape with a gentle groove and some spoken word.
iDensity with AUFX:Dub, AUFX:Space, and Dedalus for the drone/soudscape.
Patterning for the drums. Two tracks using different kits, layered and panned.
iFretless Bass for the baseline.
I read a poem/lyrics straight into the iPad mike, with a few favourite quotes. For the vocals.
It felt great to being playing bass again. Must do more of that.
September 14, 2015
Tell Me That You Love Me:
A simple piece that is a live take on one patch of one synth. Slight movements of just three knobs gave all this variation. I love simple tracks like this.
Addictive Synth jammed into Audioshare.
September 14, 2015
Abstract Soundscape with vocal snippets.
An abstract jam done in Cyclops Through Audioshare with AUFX:Space, Dedalus, and AUFX:Dub.
Added another Cyclops jam with AUFX:Dub slowed in TwistedWave.
Added parts of a poem done in iSpeech TTS.