Archive for September, 2015


Day 7: Weds 2 Sept 2015

Featuring Trudi McBoody, Spoken Word, Tracks, Videos No Comment


A Soundscape.

Using iSpeech TTS, Sector, Dedalus, TwistedWave, Pixsound, EmoChorus, AUFX:Dub,AUFX:Space, AudioShare, and Auria.


Day 6: Tuesday 1 Sept 2015

Audio, Beatscape, Featuring Trudi McBoody, Spoken Word, Videos No Comment

Composition On A Rainy Day:

A glitchy beatscape with vocals.

Sector, TwistedWave, Addictive Synth, AudioShare and Auria.

Vocals are a poem run through iSpeech TTS twice with different voices then layered.


Day 5: Monday 31 Aug 2015

Beatscape, Featuring Trudi McBoody, Spoken Word, Tracks, Videos No Comment

The Loathing:

A Drone Beatscape with vocals.

Drums are Diode-108 effected with AUFX:Dub and AUFX:Space.

The drone is 5 tracks of MicroBrute recorded using various combinations of ToneStack, AmpKit Plus, and Flux:FX.

The vocals is a poem typed into iSpeech TTS using two different voices. These were ten layered in Auria and treated with AUFX:Space.

All layers were recorded separately in AudioShare then imported to Auria for collaging.


Oh By The Way

Notes and Musings No Comment

It took me till day 19 of my ‘Year Of Posting’ to sort out wordpress etc and get this blog idea running; hence the first days are being posted over a day or two while I catch up.

But don’t worry, I’ll maintain my track making in the meantime 🙂


Day 4: Sunday 30 Aug 2015

Ambient, Beatscape, Tracks, Videos No Comment


An Ambient Beatscape.

Using iMpc Pro, Dedalus, Emo Chorus, Addictive Synth, AudioShare, and Auria.


Day 3: Saturday 29 Aug 2015

Abstract, Soundscape, Tracks, Videos No Comment


An Abstract Soundscape.

I used Soundscaper, TwistedWave, Auria, and AudioShare.


What To Expect Here: guidelines not rules

Notes and Musings No Comment

1- I begin my ‘Year of Posting’ with a group of tracks all made entirely on my iPad or iPhone, and I may do that all year. But I’m not sure how things will develop; as I explore my music world I may move to guitar, or keyboard, or hardware synths, or spoken word, or Ableton and Logic on my laptop, or something else entirely, or a combination of the above.

Who knows.

2- I begin the year with a series of tracks with videos from my YouTube page. I probably won’t have time to do that every day, so I may move to some audio only.

We’ll just have to see how it goes.

I find that the process of putting together a video helps me listen to a track in a different way; so it’s a process I enjoy and find useful.


Day 2: Friday 28 Aug 2015

Ambient, Beatscape, Featuring Trudi McBoody, Tracks, Videos 4 Comments

I’d Listen To The Voices In My Head…But I Cant Make Out What They’re Saying:


An Ambient Beatscape.

Using iMaschine, Dedalus, Borderlands Granular, AudioShare, and Auria.


Who Am I? A short bio

Grant's Bio, Notes and Musings No Comment

I am a 54 year old bass player and guitarist, who began playing Post Punk in 1982, having played in several bands over the years since then. Though never more than semi professionally.

I have tried my hand at several other instruments in that time including keyboard, percussion, and mandolin but I claim no real competence on those.

In 1999 I set up a little home studio but always struggled to produce anything; somehow being daunted by the scale of the task.

This year however has seen me embrace music making on the iPad.

Something about the all in one interface, the carry it everywhereness, the sheer versatility of sounds available, has freed me from my inhibitions and allowed me to embrace music making again.



Day 1: Thursday 27 Aug 2015

Abstract, Beatscape, Tracks, Videos No Comment


An Abstract Beatscape I made on the iPad.

I used Diode-108, Addictive Synth, and Soundscaper. Assembled in Auria.

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