Archive for October, 2015


Day 66: Saturday 31 Oct 2015

Audio, Beatscape, Featuring Trudi McBoody, Field Recordings, Spoken Word, Tracks 2 Comments


A Beatscape with vocals.

I made a beat with Xenon a few weeks ago and left it. Today I revisited it and slowed it down in TwistedWave 🙂 Then I ran it through most of the effect apps I own, really just experimenting. In the end I used three different versions with Korvpressor, Flying Haggis, Master FX, and FLUX:FX. I loaded these into Auria and mixed them together adjusting volume and panning.

It was okay, but to be honest I felt I’d wasted a couple of hours.

I had a look through my Beats folder, the place I put interesting sounding drumbeats that I might use later, and found two that I liked and slowed them down. I decided to jam all three beats together regardless of their tempos etc and see what happens. So into Auria they went and I cut them up and arranged them as suited me.

I wrote some words on the theme ‘disjointed’ and gave them to iSpeech TTS which I loaded into AudioShare and applied some AUFX:Space and slowed it down, then added it to Auria and cut it up etc.

Finally I loaded Fieldscaper into a track in Auria and recorded some soundscape type background. Twice.

Peace out.


Day 65: Friday 30 Oct 2015

Beatscape, Tracks, Videos No Comment

Oliver Misheard:

A Beatscape with bass. (BassScape?)

The backbone of this is a Beatscape made with Patterning, Dedalus, and AltiSpace which I loaded into Auria and combined with pieces of a Grain Science jam I had done earlier. Then I jammed over it with iFretless Bass, and effected that with Dedalus and Emo Chorus.

I also played with AnalogKit and Samplr today; they didn’t make it into this track but may appear over the next day or so. Project ongoing.

The Video:

One of my usual modus operandi was employed again today: draw in Procreate saving several versions, blend them in Pinnacle Studio, effect that in Generate and CinemaFXV.


Tip of the Week/Words of Wisdom/Things Some Bloke Said #1

Tip Of The Week/Words Of Wisdom No Comment


Perhaps I’m being presumptous, but hey it’s my blog 🙂

Try it. You got a track sounding good? Slow it down by 80%. Magic!

What about the digital artifacts I hear you say?

I love them!

Try slowing things down a lot…a looot…a loooooot. (apologies to Jakob Haq from the Sound Test Room)

You never know when the magic is going to hit 🙂


Day 64: Thursday 29 Oct 2015

Abstract, Beatscape, Soundscape, Tracks, Videos No Comment

Encroaching Winter:

Abstract Beatscape with bass.

Another play with Alchemy. This app just seems to click with me; I get something interesting going almost immediately. One track is a minimal beatscape, two are almost abstract synths, and one is a bassline. I loaded the jam into Auria and rearranged the ending a little.

The Video:

This was fun. Procreate is my favourite drawing/painting app and one of it’s features is the ability to save a movie of your changes as you create a piece. So today I drew some fairly random stuff, using only black and white, working backwards and forwards in layers. Then I saved it as a video, loaded it into Pinnacle Studio and slowed it WAY down. Then I ran it through CinemaFXV for texture, Generate for extra movement, back to Pinnacle for titles, and back to CinemaFXV for more texture.


Day 63: Weds 28 Oct 2015

Ambient, Soundscape, Tracks, Videos No Comment


A Soundscape.

I began today by playing PhaseRings which I loaded into Auria, then added 3 drones from FM4. I wanted a percussive part so I loaded up Sunrizer, effected it with Flying Haggis and Emo Chorus, and cut out a bit. Next I took a recording from the other day done in Grain Science and cut out some interesting parts. Then I loaded up Thor and jammed a bit; Thor didn’t play nice with Auria (crackling and audio cut outs) so I loaded it into AudioShare and did some improvising, ran it through ApeDelay and Dedalus, slowed it down in TwistedWave, then trimmed out 4 hits. Finally I added a touch of MitoSynth.

Lots of collaging today, which you may have noticed I love doing 🙂

A big thank you to Jacob Haq from The Sound Test Room whose free patches for FM4, Sunrizer, and Thor were used today:

And also to Gareth J Farmer whose blip and bleep file was the basis of the Grain Science parts.

The Video:

I filmed while walking around Drammen a few months back with an 8mm app. I loaded some of those clips into Pinnacle Studio, I thought they had a similar atmosphere to the music.


Day 62: Tuesday 27 Oct 2015

Beatscape, Soundscape, Spoken Word, Tracks, Videos No Comment

Many More Flowers:

It started as a Beatscape,.. I added a Soundscape,.. it’s got some spoken words… and a bassline. So I don’t know quite what it is.

A Beatscape made in Patterning and effected with Dedalus and FLUX:FX till it was distorted and stuttering. Then a Soundscape made from a file imported into Dedalus and effected with FLUX:FX using the same settings. Both imported into Auria. Then a bassline added from iSem, and some words recorded using the inbuilt iPad mic into AudioShare with AUFX:PeakQ, AltiSpace, and AUFX:Dub. Then I did a little arranging and a little chiselling away until it arrived at this state.

The Video:

Assorted flower pictures were imported into Pinnacle Studio, arranged, and then effected with CinemaFXV.

Peace out.



Day 61: Monday 26 Oct 2015

Ambient, Soundscape, Tracks, Videos No Comment

Abandoned to the Wind (and to the Rain):

An Ambient Soundscape.

I began the day by playing with Geo Synth, another app that I’ve had for a while but never really used. So I spent half an hour or so acquainting myself with it, and came up with this slightly exotic slightly orchestral sounding thing. I loaded that into Auria and improvised a baseline using iFretless Bass. Next I opened Addictive Synth and made some abstract sounding patches which I recorded onto two tracks. Then I moved to Grain Science were I used two patches that I made during the week on two more tracks.

The Video:

Water splashing into a fountain, filmed a few months back. I ran it twice through CinemaFXV for a total of 6 filters. Then once more to get a negative version. Then I loaded both versions into Pinnacle Studio for arrangement, titles etc.

Only 7 apps today 🙂



Day 60: Sunday 25 Oct 2015

Ambient, Soundscape, Tracks, Videos 2 Comments

Sunday Alchemy:

An Ambient Soundscape.

If in doubt play with Alchemy. I’ve had a mixed day today; iPulsaret, iDensity, Dedalus, TwistedWave, the AUFX suite…whenever I thought I was on to something I got a big fat zero. Finally, after hours, I had a piece that I felt was an okay Soundscape. Then I took a break and had a play with Alchemy, still don’t know it very well, just had a bit of a mess around…wham! Within half an hour I had a good piece. Combined it with my ok soundscape, and voila. Sunday Alchemy.

The Video:

I used a video I made last week and didn’t use. I think I used Generate on that. Opened it in Pinnacle Studio and slowed it down, ran to through CinemaFXV to make it Black & White, and to up the contrast.


Day 59: Saturday 24 Oct 2015

Ambient, Beatscape, Featuring Trudi McBoody, Soundscape, Spoken Word, Tracks, Videos No Comment

Reprise: A Self Portrait In Three Parts:

Part One: Hermits Dilemma 0.00 – 5.31
Part Two: Procrastinate 5.31 – 9.29
Part Three: Nothing But The Bones 9.29 – 14.41

I got ambitious today, three tracks in one. I decided to present them in one track rather than as a playlist. Let me know which you think is better.

Two Soundscapes and a Beatscape with vocals.

It was a long and complicated journey, so today I’m just going to give you a list of the apps involved, because it’s late and I’m tired. I’m happy to answer any questions that you might have though 🙂

The apps in order of appearance were:

AudioShare, iKaossilator, Flux:FX, AUFX:Space, AUFX:Dub, Auria, Addictive Synth, Cyclops, Sector, TTS iSpeech, Figure, Dedalus, Fieldscape, Borderlands Granular, Turnado, AUFX:PeakQ, Caramel, and Grain Science.

The Video:

This music video is all about the music. So it’s very simple, mainly static on black; to let you concentrate on your ears, while at the same time keeping your eyes involved.

Pinnacle Studio and CinemaFXV were all that I used.

See you spoon and Peace Out.


Day 58: Friday 23 Oct 2015

Abstract, Field Recordings, Soundscape, Tracks, Videos No Comment

Cafe Conundrum:

A Soundscape.

Todays track is my second play with the new app Fieldscaper.

While sitting in my favourite cafe I did three recordings of the ambient noise, one into each of the oscillators. I applied a different preset to each oscillator and recorded it into AudioShare while adjusting parameters. I then did it again but with AUFX:Space and AUFX:Dub in the effect chain. Next I reversed this file in Twisted Wave. And finally, now that I thought I’d got the hang of, I went for a new longer take.

Now I had four files, all variations of the same theme. I loaded all four into Auria for final arrangement.

The Video:

An artwork that I made with Procreate and iColorama was run through Generate three times using different filters, then all three plus the original were loaded into PicFrame. Then Pinnacle Studio for the arrangement and finally CinemaFXV twice for the textures.


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