Sunday Alchemy:
An Ambient Soundscape.
If in doubt play with Alchemy. I’ve had a mixed day today; iPulsaret, iDensity, Dedalus, TwistedWave, the AUFX suite…whenever I thought I was on to something I got a big fat zero. Finally, after hours, I had a piece that I felt was an okay Soundscape. Then I took a break and had a play with Alchemy, still don’t know it very well, just had a bit of a mess around…wham! Within half an hour I had a good piece. Combined it with my ok soundscape, and voila. Sunday Alchemy.
The Video:
I used a video I made last week and didn’t use. I think I used Generate on that. Opened it in Pinnacle Studio and slowed it down, ran to through CinemaFXV to make it Black & White, and to up the contrast.
December 23, 2018
December 16, 2018
Nice mix of elements today.