Archive for October, 2015


Day 38: Saturday 3 Oct 2015

Ambient, Beatscape, Tracks, Videos No Comment

Saturday Dog:

I started today playing with Patterning. I loaded up the Drum Kit that I made last week and made a new beat which I jammed into AudioShare with Dedalus and Caramel in the effect slots; muting and soloing parts as I went. I then loaded up DJ Puzzles ‘FunkStep’ drum kit and did the same, and the built in ‘Honey Drum’ drum kit and did the same.

All three drum jams were then loaded into Auria and slightly arranged. Hey presto instant Beatscape.

But I didn’t stop there, oh no!

Bass, I said to myself, this needs bass. So iFretless Bass it was. I jammed a bit, copied the file, and panned both copies with a different combination of effects on each side (Johnny, Caramel, Muckraker, and the built in reverb).

And then iSem was calling to me: 2 basslines and 2 pads followed.

Plus a recording of the dog barking which I happened to grab in the process.

The Video:

I shot a video of the dog with his bone, slowed it down, ran it through: Glitch Wizard, Pinnacle Studio, Live FX, and CinemaFXV.


Day 37: Friday 2 Oct 2015

Ambient, Soundscape, Tracks, Videos No Comment


A Synthscape. Ha ha, I guess its an Ambient Soundscape.

My third day trying out Arpeggist by Virsyn. Today I used a slow and sparse arpeggio (50 bpm), and I loaded up Audiobus with the most synths I’ve ever tried. I used Sunrizer, Addictive Synth, Cube Synth, Magellan, Argon, Alchemy, and iSyn Poly. I used Mimex to mix them and recorded into AudioShare.


Then a little arranging in Auria between two versions, and a little help from Dedalus and AUFX:Dub.

The Video:

I filmed a little still (or not so still) life, using Imaengine. Arranged it in Pinnacle and processed it with CinemaFXV.


Day 36: Thursday 1 Oct 2015

EDM, Featuring Trudi McBoody, Spoken Word, Tracks, Videos No Comment


Another Arpeggist attempt.

Arpeggist driving Addictive Synth and Cube Synth, with some Soundscaper, Diode-108, and iSpeech TTS thrown in for good measure.

The Video:

Some texture photos taken with my iPhone, plus some text from Phonto, compiled in Pinnacle Studio, run through CinemaFXV for texture.


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