A slow piece of electronica with Spoken Word.
Figure was the start of this; I made an 8 bar piece at 80 bpm and reversed it with TwistedWave before taking both into Auria and arranging the pieces. I effected some parts with Dedalus, and some with Emo Chorus. I also took a drums only version of the Figure file and arranged that along the timeline.
So far it sounded fine, but I must admit I find using apps like Figure and iKaossilator a little difficult, they are fun but the results tend towards an EDM thing that gets just a little too poppy for my tastes. I need to tweak things for a darker vibe I guess. And if you’ve been following my posts you may well guess what I did next, that’s right…
‘If in doubt, Slow it down’.
It was already quite slow at 80 bpm but I slowed it by 80% in TwistedWave giving a bpm of 56, not to mention a slight robotic tinge as an artefact of the algorithm, which I love.
I opened a new project in Auria, imported this new file, and added a file of me reading a poem which I had recorded into AudioShare. I felt I had read it a little fast for this context so I slowed it 90% which gave it a better feel. Finally I did a little arranging.
December 23, 2018
December 16, 2018
Nice touch.
Just my speed.