December 11, 2015
All five tracks from this series in one easy to listen to playlist.
December 11, 2015
Here I Stand:
A Beatscape with spoken word.
The fifth and (so far) final instalment in the ‘Parallel Lines” series.
As well as the words which I recorded into AudioShare with AltiSpace, I used a beat from iElectribe which I put into Sector. I also ran the words through Sector, and combined everything together in Auria.
December 10, 2015
Recitation (Parallel Lines):
A Beatscape with vocals, or a Vocalscape with beats, I’m not sure.
The fourth in a series of tracks based around these words. Here you can hear the full lyric for the first time.
December 9, 2015
A glitchy piano soundscape, if that is a thing.
Nave provided the piano part, Sector glitched it up, and Soundscaper provided the world in which it lives. Assembled in Auria with Dedalus on the Soundscaper parts.
December 8, 2015
Time Drools Revisited:
A Beatscape with Spoken Word.
The third in an ongoing series, this is directly related to yesterdays post, and is another in my exploration of the spoken word as part of my personal sound scape.
I hope you enjoy this journey.
December 7, 2015
Time Drools:
A Soundscape with vocal elements.
I began today by playing with Alchemy, I used 3 drum parts and a bass to make a slow dirge-like Ambient sort of a piece by jamming them into AudioShare with AUFX:Dub.
I loaded it into Auria then took a file I made yesterday using Sector, AltiSpace, Echo Pad, and AUFX:Dub, of my reading the ‘Parallel Lines’ lyrics. I cut this up, keeping only the more abstract parts.
Then I added 2 tracks of Addictive Synth.
I am very much enjoying finding settings for these spoken word pieces.
December 6, 2015
Parallel Lines:
A Beatscape with Spoken Word.
ElasticDrums, AudioShare, AUFX:Space, AUFX:Dub, FLUX:FX, and TwistedWave were used for one of the drum parts. Figure, Sector, Turnado, AudioShare, Auria, TwistedWave, AUFX:Dub, and AUFX:Space for the other. The vocals were recorded into AudioShare with Altisvace. Then everything was combined in Auria for arranging and mixing.
December 5, 2015
Mr Toad:
A Spoken Word Beatscape.
I recorded myself into AudioShare reading an old song lyric as if it was a poem or spoken word piece. I then ran that through Sector twice before moving all three to Auria and cutting them up and collaging them over a Borderlands Granular file that I made from Diode-108, Caramel, AUFX:Space, and TwistedWave.
December 4, 2015
100 Days:
A pure Beatscape 100% drum machine.
Alchemy and Patterning mixed in Auria pure and simple. One track from Alchemy started me off today, then I switched to Patterning and laid down seven more; some at 80bpm and some at 40.
Woo Hoo! I made to 100 days!
A big thank you to my listeners and followers and subscribers etc for helping me get this far. There isn’t many of you but thanks for sticking with me and dropping in occasionally. Much appreciated.
December 3, 2015
The Money Shot:
A Song.
The main element here is an arpeggio from iSem recorded to AudioShare, which I effected with Dedalus and DubFilter before adding both versions to Auria. Then I added the synth crashes using Addictive Synth and gave some lyrics to Trudi using iSpeech TTS, AltiSpace, AUFX:Space, and TwistedWave.