December 2, 2015
The Triumph Of Enthusiasm Over The Grey Bunny Rabbit Of Despair:
I think I may have made some sort of Electro Pop track…please forgive me (wrings hands and weeps).
My fellow perpetrators in this crime against musically were: ElasticDrums, TwistedWave, AUFX:Dub, AUFX:Space, Figure, FLUX:FX, Addictive Synth, AudioShare, Auria.
May The Gods have mercy on our souls…
December 1, 2015
The Heels Of Time:
A Beatscape with Spoken Word/or a poem/or a lyric/or something.
Whew, that was a hard track to put together! I started as usual around 8.30 this morning and finally finished at 8.30 at night. Of course there was the usual interruptions, driving wife and son to work and school, washing clothes and dishes, cooking etc etc. But it took ages to come together and that’s for sure. I didn’t think I’d pull it off.
I used Poseidon, Fugue Machine, ElasticDrums, and AnalogKit along the way; but they all ended up being ditched before the final product.
What did end up getting used were Auria and AudioShare (of course), TwistedWave, and Sector. Along with Emo Chorus, Vandelay, Altispace, and Dedalus on the vocals.
Time for a lie down.