January 13, 2016
Winter Landscape’s Subtle Light:
An Ambient Jamscape 🙂
Today’s track is a departure; it involves me playing both my guitar and my MicroBrute into the iPad before arranging them into a track.
First I jammed the MicroBrute into AudioShare with AUFX:Dub and AUFX:Space in the effects chain.
Next I did the same with my Strat but with ToneStack in the effect chain.
Then I loaded both into Auria; I had done a freeform jam in C blues scale on both instruments and thought that they would combine well.
A little judicious cutting and arranging followed before I loaded up two drum tracks from recent days: one from iMPC Pro and one from BeatMaker 2. I cut out one sound from both and arranged them.
December 23, 2018
December 16, 2018