Meditations On A Moonscape:
A Soundscape. Slow, sparse, with lots of space.
I feel myself being pulled in two directions at the moment; one is like this simple and sparse with silence and space as a central feature, the other is busy and crowded with different instruments and sounds. I need to allow myself time to explore both tendencies.
This track is related to yesterday’s because I began with one of my Poseidon jams which I fed into Borderlands Granular and did a 7 minute jam; it went through 3 distinct phases so I split it into 3 files. The third and most sparse is what you hear here. I loaded it into Auria and time stretched it and added reverb. My intention was to use this as the beginning of a more complex piece but it just really worked as is. The only other thing I did was to use an uneffected version on another track at a lower volume, this added a subtle clarity to the sound while leaving the reverb to work its magic.
I hope you enjoy.
December 23, 2018
December 16, 2018