A pure Beatscape today, nothing but iMaschine 2, with Auria to arrange it.
I have been seriously grumpy the last few days; lack of sleep I think. Anyway I was not in the mood for pissing about with melodies or ambient niceties. So… drumbeats was the order of the day.
Hitting things! Oh yeah!
I made quite a few, this was the fifth or sixth I think, I had calmed down a little by now 🙂
I made this slow, sparse beat in iMaschine 2, and really liked it but was not sure how to do the arrangement I wanted in the app. So I exported each of the four layers separately, and imported them into an Auria project so that I could arrange it.
I’m definitely in a drum mood, so expect a plethora of Beatscapes over the next few days 🙂
December 23, 2018
December 16, 2018