Archive for February, 2016


Day 187: Monday 29 Feb 2016

Ambient, Audio, Soundscape, Tracks No Comment


A soundscape.

Like yesterday this track is inspired by my explorations of Shoom, an upcoming synth that I an beta testing. For me it seems ideal for creating ambient soundscapes and textures, at least that is where it immediately leads me.

This track is 90% Shoom, I have added a few instances of a sound that I have used before; made with BeatMaker 2 and TwistedWave.


Day 186: Sunday 28 Feb 2016

Ambient, Audio, Soundscape, Tracks No Comment

Abyssal Dance Floor:

A Soundscape.

Shoom ( a very promising new synth that I am fortunate to be beta testing) provides the soundscape here and iSpark provides the drums. Brought into perfect harmony in Auria

Peace out.



Day 185: Saturday 27 Feb 2016

Abstract, Ambient, Audio, Soundscape, Tracks No Comment

Icarus Revisited:

A Diptych today, of soundscapes. Woo Hoo two for one!

The first track is a combination of two sound files combined in Auria. The first a Sector treatment of an iDensity treatment of a Korg Module electric piano jam, while the second is a TwistedWave treatment of an iMaschine 2 drum beat.

The second track takes a small piece of that twisted drum beat and loops it, again in Auria, and then adds a slow piano. I just used the inbuilt Lyra sampler and layered an acoustic piano with an electric one.


Day 184: Friday 26 Feb 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Doing Qi Gong On The Precipice:

A Beatscape.

The new Arturia iSpark drum app is the core of this one, with a little help from Auria, AudioShare, TwistedWave, and BeatMaker 2. But 95% iSpark.


Day 183: Thursday 25 Feb 2016

Ambient, Audio, Guitar 'Scape, Tracks No Comment


An ambienty guitar jam/noodle.

To balance the keyboard pieces of late I thought I’d post this guitar based track. I found two guitar noodles in the record folder of MainStage, I’d recorded them within minutes of each other last July and the forgot about them. I can’t remember what I used to get the delay/filter sound but I suspect I used my Line6 M13 multi effects unit, I seem to remember digging it out and having a play back then somewhere.

Anyway I loaded them into Auria using DropBox and AudioShare, and arranged them together.

Peace and Harmony.


Day 182: Weds 25 Feb 2016

Audio, Solo Piano, Tracks No Comment

Electric Piano Improv #1:

Solo piano jam.

I know my keyboard skills are rudimentary but I feel like I’m getting somewhere with this approach, so I’m going to pursue this and share some of the results. After all one of the goals of this project is to expand and explore my possibilites.

I woke up this morning, sat down at my work station (dining room table), fired up Korg’s Module, and this popped out.


Day 181: Tuesday 23 Feb 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Spoken Word, Tracks No Comment

So Low (Setting #3):

A Beatscape with Spoken Word.

What is a Beatscape I hear you ask? If you are new to this blog it is a fair question. A Beatscape is made entirely or mostly from drums or a drum machine, and comes from a Soundscape perspective.

Why Spoken Word Grant? Because I have a dodgy singing voice of course. And because there is a long history of spoken word and music joining together in many formats and over many centuries. I’m just trying to find a way to do it that makes sense for me.

Thanks for asking dear listener.

The beat is from iSpark with a little help from Cube Synth. They were assembled in Auria along with the spoken word piece that I had previously recorded using AudioShare and AltiSpace; but which I today reversed with TwistedWave, added delay with AUFX:Dub, and then reversed back.


Day 180: Monday 22 Feb 2016

Audio, Tracks, Uncategorized No Comment

Simple Piano String Thing:

The name says it all today 🙂

Played into Auria using my midi keyboard, I began with the piano then added the string part.


Day 179: Sunday 21 Feb 2016

Soundscape, Tracks, Videos No Comment

Room For All:

A Soundscape.

Hey hey, it’s been awhile since I made a movie 🙂

Todays track is all about Borderlands Granular. I loaded in three tracks from the last few days: an electric piano (made with Module and Auria), a piano and strings (ThumbJam, Auria), and a beatscape (iSpark, AudioShare). I did four jams and was happy with the fourth so I loaded that into TwistedWave and trimmed out the best part before slowing it.

Next I loaded it into AudioShare and ran it through AUFX:Dub, and then through AltiSpace.

The Video:

I went for a walk in the forest near here this morning, it was magical, I followed some deer tracks in the snow past a frozen brook 🙂

Anyway I took my trusty iPhone and used the built in camera app to take some movies and stills which I assembled using Pinnacle Studio.

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