Archive for March, 2016


Day 217: Thursday 31 March 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Beat Me With An Ostrich Egg (Till The Yolk Runs Out My Eyes):


Beats provided by Alchemy and iSpark, effects by Wow Filter, arranged in Auria.

The vocals were sang straight into Auria for another project and effected with the inbuilt reverb and echo. I cut out two snippets for this track.

Peace Out.


Day 216: Weds 30 March 2016

Abstract, Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Grace Under Fire:

An Abstract Beatscape.

Today I used Alchemy; honestly every time I open this app I get a track. It’s so easy to use and inspiring.

I made two related pieces with some variations on sounds, and loaded both into Auria along with a track from iPulsaret that I made 2 days ago using an iMaschine file and effecting it with ApeFilter and Crystalline in AudioShare.


Day 215: Tuesday 29 March

Audio, Soundscape, Spoken Word, Tracks No Comment

And We Will Rest:

A Spoken Word Soundscape directly related to yesterday’s post, as it uses the same vocal.

Vocal made using AudioShare, AUFX:Peak, and AltiSpace. Then ran through Borderlands Granular and effected with Emo Chorus. Then added to Auria along with another Borderlands file made using an iDensity file, made with a piano jam recorded with Module. Some judicious arranging gave this result.


Day 214: Monday 28 March 2016

Ambient, Beatscape, Spoken Word, Tracks, Videos No Comment

All Will Be Still:

An Ambient Beatscape with Spoken Word.

Today began with Xynthesizr which I enjoy but don’t use often; I made three ‘songs’ with related scales and bpm’s and jammed them into AudioShare, switching between them and altering parameters as I went. I did this twice and got good but quite different results both times which I effected with Dedalus.

Next I put both into Auria and combined them along with a simple beat from iSpark, again jamming between settings as I recorded. Next I cut out one bass drum hit and repeated it occasionally in it’s own track and effected it with Crystalline.

I felt it needed something more, something abstract; so I turned to iDensity which I loaded with a Module electric piano track in all 4 positions. The result of that was feed into Grain Science and effected with Crystalline and Bias FX. This was then added to Auria and arranged.

The final ingredient was the vocals, I wrote the words and then recorded them using AudioShare, AUFX:Peak, and AltiSpace.


The Video:

iColorama, HyperDroste, PicFrame, Pinnacle Pro, CinemaFXV. In that order 🙂


Day 213: Sunday 27 March 2016

Audio, Pianoscape, Tracks No Comment

Cat Gut (Your Tongue):


Something a little different today, a piano based track that feels to me like a movie soundtrack.

I began today by experimenting with YouCompose, a generative music app that you can set to give you either a classical or a jazz form. I must admit I’m not too sure if this sort of thing is up my alley, but I thought it might be a good learning tool, or at least provide some material to build from or to pull apart.

So I set it to generate a 3 movement classical piece and then I fiddled with the instruments and parameters until I got something I kind of liked. Then I exported the midi files into Auria and assigned each of the 4 parts to a piano sound, because it sounded best that way.

Next I slowed each movement in TwistedWave and then added Dedalus and Crystalline.

The second movement was working the best so I decided to concentrate on that. I reversed it and added the three variations into Auria ie the uneffected slowed version, the effected slowed version, and the reversed effected slowed version.

Once I had these three in place I did some cutting and pasting to fine tune the composition a little more to my taste.



Day 212: Sat 26 March 2016

Audio, Featuring Trudi McBoody, Spoken Word, Tracks No Comment

Home At Last:

An autobiographical not entirely serious piece of electronica 🙂

It’s how I feel after a small trip away; I’m such a hermit.

Luckily so is my wife. We are hermits together 🙂

Patterning is the drum app, Addictive Synth provides the arpeggio, Trudi reads the words (iSpeech TTS, TwistedWave, AudioShare, AltiSpace), my vocal is straight into a track in Auria, and the background is courtesy of iDensity.



Day 211: Friday 25 March 2016

Ambient, Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Scratching At The Dawn:

Ambient Beatscape.

This is a combination of just two elements, both of which could be a track on its own I feel, but together they are better still.

First I made the beatscape using Patterning set to 20 bpm for a slow and sparse feel. Recorded into AudioShare with AUFX:Dub (using the Drifting Loop preset) while muting and unmuting parts.

Second I did a jam with Cube Synth using a similar technique ie recorded into AudioShare with AUFX:Dub; but this time I switched between three different bass patches in Cube Synth that I had made earlier.

Both times it took two or three attempts before I got a composition that I was happy with.

I made them one after the other and they felt like they belonged together so I loaded both into Auria and bingo!


Day 210: Thursday 24 2016

Audio, Soundscape, Tracks No Comment


A soundscape.

Today’s track uses two instances of Shoom; two jams using the same sounds and scale. They were combined in Auria and both effected with Emo Chorus, Crystalline, AUFX:Dub, and Dedalus on a subgroup. Then I added the drums using Patterning.


Just a Quick Note

Notes and Musings No Comment

Hello guys and gals and non gender specific peeps, just a quick note to let you know that my beautiful wife and I will be away for the next few days and I’m not sure what the internet situation will be, so you may not hear from me till we get back.

But do not fear I will be taking my trusty iPad, so tracks will be made and posted on our return. Thanks of course to my supportive and long suffering wife (she truly is my better half),

As always thanks for listening and for your support.

Live long and prosper. Peace Out.

Love Grant


Day 209: Weds 23 March 2016

Audio, EDM, Tracks No Comment


I’m not sure what to call this one, perhaps the generic term Electronica will suffice.

The various synth arpeggios are from Nave, one patch played 4 times in different octaves. The beat is from Patterning, one simple beat recorded three times with different drum kits. Arranged and mixed in Auria.

I have been drawn more and more to minimalism lately. This is an example of that.

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