Archive for March, 2016


Day 208: Tuesday 22 March 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Hobnailed Boot Shuffle:

A beatscape.

Patterning was used for the beats; several drum kits of my own were used and all recorded into Auria for mixing. Then an arpeggio from Addictive Synth was added. The result was imported to TwistedWave where it was slowed by 80% and lowered by 400 cents. Then that was loaded into Dedalus and slowed again. The result is therefore 20 bpm.

Oh yeah I like it slow!


Day 207: Monday 21 March 2016

Audio, Tracks, Uncategorized No Comment

Faux Classiqué:

Something a little different from me today. This sounds like an avantgarde or experimental Classical piece.

I hear cello, violins, treated piano, possibly bass flute or bassoon, with maybe overtones of oboe in there somewhere. Actually its all Shoom (still in beta) effected with Sliver, jammed into AudioShare, and then rearranged in Auria. It uses a whole tone scale which maybe contributes to the out-there vibe, but the Shoom sounds themselves led me down this path. I’m liking this synth more and more as I get to know it better. I’ll definitely be buying it when it comes out.


Day 206: Sunday 20 March 2016

Ambient, Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Slight Returns Forecast:

Dark Ambient Beatscape, perhaps?

The arpeggio began in Addictive Synth and was textured and slowed in Dedalus before being joined in Auria by the beat; which is a version of the one used in yesterday’s track using iSpark, AudioShare, Dedalus, Muckraker, Caramel, Emo Chorus, AUFX:Dub, Nebulizer, and Sliver. I added another shortish Addictive Synth part which I then time stretched and treated with the inbuilt chorus. The final touch was the bell sound, for which I used FM4.


Day 205: Saturday 19 March 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Notes and Musings, Tracks No Comment

These Beta Blockers Are Making Me Thirsty:

A Beatscape.

I used iSpark for the beat and Addictive Synth for the bass. Recorded with AudioShare and arranged in Auria. Effects used on the drums are: Dedalus, Muckraker, Caramel, Emo Chorus, AUFX:Dub, Nebulizer, and Sliver.

The initial beat from iSpark was 27.25 bars long at 60 bpm, I recorded it into AudioShare and then recorded versions of it using the different effects; I tried others but only used the ones I’ve listed. That left me with the original beat and six effected versions, I loaded all seven into Auria and did a little panning and mixing of volumes. Then I did some cutting and pasting and arranging and muting until I had this composition sketched out.

Finally I turned to Addictive Synth for the bass arpeggio which I kept short and simple. Incorporating it into the mix required a little more arranging.


It is difficult when making music like this to know when to stop or what else might be required, we have so much potential at our finger tips. For example I could have carried on adding sounds and parts to my hearts content. But it does feel finished to me, so I’ve left it here.

Of course part of the nature of this endeavour (posting one track each day) is that I must work quickly and I don’t have the luxury of excruciating over tracks and decisions. Which perhaps is leading me to a certain type of composition and a certain type of working.

There is something to be said for working quickly; hopefully it means I’m working from the heart and the gut, and not giving my misgivings and sense of inadequacy time to impose it’s usual dictatorship on my actions.



Day 204: Friday 18 March 2016

Ambient, Audio, Tracks No Comment

Breathe The Free Air:

An Ambient track today.

A simple piece but (I think) an effective one. It certainly is peaceful 🙂

One patch in Addictive Synth jammed with three different settings on the arpeggiator then loaded from AudioShare into Auria for arranging.


Day 204: Thursday 17 March 2016

Beatscape, Tracks, Videos No Comment

Wasted Space:

A Beatscape today.

Today’s culprits are: Patterning, along with AudioShare, AltiSpace, and Crystalline for the beat. Poseidon for the bass and the climb-down. Shoom, Borderlands Granular, TwistedWave, Apefilter, and AltiSpace for the ambient soundscape background.

The Video:

Pinnacle Pro, CinemaFX, iColorama


Day 203: Weds 16 March 2016

EDM, Tracks, Videos No Comment

Community Announcement:

A silly, fun little piece of electro poppiness, quiet but insistent.

All the sounds in this are from MitoSynth arranged in Auria. Simple but fun.

The Video:

Sometimes (or maybe I should say often), my vids are an accompaniment to the music, a fun after thought not necessarily intimately related. But I do enjoy it when, like this one the visuals and the music join together to make a greater whole. 

I filmed myself dancing with Imaengine, pieced it together in Pinnacle Pro, and processed it with CinemaFXV.

Wow, more video apps than music ones; that’s a new one for me I think 🙂



Day 202: Tuesday 15 March 2016

Ambient, Audio, Tracks No Comment

Nefarious Means:

An Ambient soundscape.

Two tracks of Shoom one with ApeFilter on it, combined in Auria along with a drum snippet made with iSpark, Sector, and Dedalus.


Day 201: Monday 14 March 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Flippant Grey:

A Beatscape.

Arturia’s iSpark with a little assistance from Cube Synth and Auria.



Day 200: Sunday 13 March 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

The Pleasant Peasant Receives A Present; Of Pheasant:

Not something you hear from me all that often; an electronica, beatscape, blippy-bloppy, is-it-Acid-cause-I-used-an-808-? sort of a thing 🙂

Even when I use apps designed to blip and to blop I try to give them a different angle.

This is all Rebirth, my first attempt to use it though I’ve owned it forever. I jammed it into AudioShare with ApeFilter, AltiSpace, and Dedalus as effects.

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