Archive for March, 2016


Day 199: Saturday 12 March 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Passing The Baton:

A short but sweet Electronica piece from me today; at 2.40 minutes it’s one of my shorter tracks, almost in pop territory, and its fast which is unusual for me.

The beat is from iSpark at 200 bpm, treated with ApeFilter and Emo Chorus. While the arpeggio is from Addictive Synth set at 100 bpm and treated with Dedalus and Muckraker. They were recorded separately in AudioShare then combined in Auria.


Day 198: Friday 11 March 2016

Beatscape, Tracks, Videos No Comment

A Quiet Life: Your Text Here:

A Beatscape.

The beat is made with Patterning using my own drum kit, it was constructed by jamming into AudioShare with Dedalus as effect. I then made the arpeggio in Addictive Synth and combined them in Auria. The occasional bass was also from Addictive Synth; I use the same patch but with the arp turned off.

The Video:

I combined some iColorama jpegs in Pinnacle Pro along with a FluxFX video, imported that to CinemaFX for the scratches, then into Generate for the movement.


Day 197: Thurs 10 March 2016

Abstract, Featuring Trudi McBoody, Soundscape, Spoken Word, Tracks, Videos No Comment

Someone To Trust:

An Abstract Soundscape with Spoken Word.

The drone section is from Shoom, the rest is from an iSpeech TTS file that I treated several times in AudioShare with AltiSpace and Flux:FX. All assembled as usual in Auria.

The Video:

I began by making several videos using FluidFX doing it’s thing to some abstract pics I had made in iColorama. I layered some of them in VidBlend, then layered some of those in Vjay. Next I assembled some of these together in Pinnacle Pro arranging them with the music, lyrics, blends etc. Then I processed that through CinemaFX to give a unified colour and texture, then through Generate. Finally I took these last two and blended them in Vjay.


Day 196: Weds 9 March 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Mr Richard O’Shea Has A Close Shave:

A Beatscape.

For those new to this blog a Beatscape = a soundscape made entirely or mostly from drums/drum machines.

In this case I use 2 drum machine apps: DM1 and Patterning. One beat from each app plus a reversed version of the DM1 beat (reversed using TwistedWave).

They were assembled in Auria where I cut up and arranged them along with a sample of the classic Hollywood western ‘richocet’ which I took from the 1950 classic Winchester ’73.


Day 195: Tuesday 8 March 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Soundscape, Tracks No Comment

Momentus Trivialus:

A Dronescape, a Soundscape, a Beatscape.

The bulk of this is 3 drones from Addictive Synth each played into Auria while I played with knobs and settings. There are also three beats from iSpark, one treated with Muckraker; they are slow and sparse and occasional as befits the mood.


Day 194: Monday 7 March 2016

Abstract, Beatscape, Soundscape, Tracks, Videos No Comment

A Distillation:

An Abstract Beatscape/Soundscape.

For the music: Alchemy, Auria, Sector, TwistedWave, Caramel, Emo Chorus.

For the video: Pinnacle Pro, PicFrame, CinemaFXV, Fluid FX, Generate.



Day 193: Sunday 6 March 2016

Audio, Beatscape, EDM, Tracks No Comment


Following on from yesterday’s uncharacteristically fast and jolly dance track, here is another, this one even faster. At least the first part is, about two thirds of the way in I segue to a slower version of the same beat, which has a very different character.

iSpark was the drum machine app again today, I have been enjoying it very much all week. The synth sound is from Poseidon and the bass from iFretless Bass. That’s it really, a deceptively simple track.


Day 192: Saturday 5 March 2016

Audio, EDM, Tracks No Comment

Seldom If Ever:

Unusually for me this is an upbeat and fun piece of EDM. Exact genre unknown.

Arturia’s iSpark on drums, Poseidon on arpeggio, me on vocals, all into Auria for arrangement.

Most of my stuff is slow and dark, so I thought I’d try something a little different 🙂


Day 191: Friday 4 March 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Speaking In Tongues:

A Beatscape/Vocalscape if there is such a thing.

This is related to yesterday’s track because both the beat and the vocals are from the same beginnings.

Arturia’s iSpark provides the Beat. The vocal is a complicated mix of iSpeech TTS, Reverb, AudioShare, TwistedWave, Borderlands Granular, and Sector. The bass is from iFretless Bass. The whole thing is imagined and put together in Auria Pro.



Day 190: Thursday 3 March 2016

Ambient, Audio, Beatscape, Soundscape, Spoken Word, Tracks No Comment

Sock Puppet For Jesus:

An Ambient Beatscape with Spoken Word.

This week has largely revolved around two new apps: Arturia’s iSpark and Yuri Turov’s Shoom (which is still in beta).

Today is no different.

I began today by playing with iSpark; exploring it’s sounds and playing a little more with it’s song structure capabilities. I came up with a two and a half minute drum beat that I liked and which I recorded using 4 different drum kits. Next I loaded all four into Auria and made a 6 minute Beatscape by arranging and combining the four different versions.

Yesterday I made a 10 minute Dronescape by combining two slightly different Shoom jams. I felt this would make a good ground for my Beatscape, and sure enough when I combined them they fit well.

I still felt it needed a little more but didn’t want to start including basslines or leady things, so I browsed my folders of abstract jams and found two that I thought would enhance the track. One was made with iDensity and the other with Sparkle.

Now it was nearly finished but I felt it needed a bit more focus. So I called on Trudi.

(If you’re new here you may not know that Trudi is a fictional character who has been developing over the course of this blog. She condescends to take time off from her day job at Station FCKU to provide vocals for some of my tracks. Usually I type her words into iSpeech TTS, slow it down slightly in TwistedWave, and move it into AudioShare for a little Reverb which today was provided by Reverb from Amazing Noises)

She brought her own lyrics today 🙂

Thank you Trudi.


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