Archive for March, 2016


Day 189: Weds 2 Mar 2016

Ambient, Audio, Beatscape, Soundscape, Spoken Word, Tracks No Comment

Cold Fire:

A Soundscape/Beatscape with Spoken Word.

The ambient dronescape is courtesy of Shoom which is featuring heavily this week because I’m beta testing it. The beat is from iSpark with the help of Dedalus, apeDelay, Dubfilter, and Caramel. They were combined in Auria and the vocals were recorded straight into their own track.


Day 188: Tuesday 1 Mar 2016

Ambient, Audio, Soundscape, Tracks No Comment

Momentus Allegorius:

An Ambient Soundscape.

This is an unusual track for me, not in the style but for two reasons: first I used Synthmaster Player which I’ve never really enjoyed before and never used on a track, and second because I entirely used included presets. It just all came together very naturally and I let it happen without stressing myself about making the sounds myself.

Once I had the basic track down I slowed it using TwistedWave, then loaded it into AudioShare and used AUFX:Dub and Dedalus on it.

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