Archive for April, 2016


Day 246: Saturday 30 April 2016

EDM, Tracks, Videos No Comment

Kaos Jam #8:

Just before I began this ‘Year Of Posting’ I did a short series of videos/tracks which I called Electronica Snippets based around either iKaossilator or Figure. A little similar in concept to yesterday’s post from Alchemy except that these two apps are simpler, almost toy like, though I know fans of these apps will not like my saying so. Apologies iKaossilatorettes and Figureistas, I do enjoy using these apps honestly. In fact I relish the challenge of getting something out of them that I like.

Anyway the idea was to make a song in the app and jam it into AudioShare, often using effects to get a little more sonic variation.

Today’s track fits right into this series using as it does iKaossilator, AudioShare, and Dedalus.

Here is a link to the series if you are interested :

The Video:

Some of my usual apps on display again today: Fluid FX, Pinnacle Studio, Generate, and CinemaFX.


Day 245: Friday 29 April 2016

Audio, EDM, Tracks No Comment

Alchemy A Day #4:

Some kind of slow and funky electronica today. Specific genre unknown. If you know give me a shout.

I have began making a series of quick and dirty tracks in both Alchemy and iMaschine. Both apps have four channels or tracks or sounds to work with and I find that plenty, and both apps I find easy and fun to play with and I almost always get something worth while from the fun. I have some other similar apps and will probably expand the idea to them. But the idea is that I play with the app and record whatever comes out, then just accept that and leave it. No moving it to other apps and effecting it and using one hundred apps to build an idea (though of course I love doing that). Just one app, one project/file, one jam into AudioShare, and move on. Simple, fast, and dirty.

Well it’s one way to work anyway 🙂

So I’m calling them ‘Alchemy A Day’ and ‘iMachine A Day’ (not that I’m committing to do one every day mind) and this the fourth of the Alchemy series.


Day 244: Thursday 28 April 2016

Ambient, Audio, Spoken Word, Tracks, Vocalscape No Comment


A treat for you today, three tracks in one! In fact I’m so happy with today’s work that I may release it as an EP; the tracks are so different but they make up a greater whole.

That’s my thought and my hope anyway 🙂

Part One…is an Ambient piece made with Shoom, iMaschine 2, and Auria.

Part Two…is a Vocalscape based around a poem that I read into AudioShare before running it through: Borderlands Granular, Sector, and Samplr. Each resulting file was added to Auria for arranging along with an abstract jam that I made in Addictive Synth.

Part Three…has three tracks of guitar played into Auria using BiasFX along with a track of drums from Patterning and some effecting from FLUX:FX.

It’s funny how things work sometimes. I have had this poem sitting around for a couple of months waiting for a place to use it and this morning after I had made first the ambient and then the guitar pieces, I just ‘knew’ that a vocalscape made from it would fit in the middle and tie everything together.

Hope you like it.


Day 242: Weds 27 April 2016

Ambient, Audio, Videos, Vocalscape No Comment

Keep Calm:

An Ambient Beatscape.

A new beat in iSpark began this piece, I recorded it once into AudioShare straight and again while playing with the repeat feature, then I put both into Auria and did some cutting up and arranging.

I tried to do some vocals using AudioShare and FLUX:FX but for some reason there was no sound though the meter was working, so I sang ‘Why is there no sound’ just to see if it worked. It did but if I couldn’t monitor as I sang it wasn’t really any use to me. So just for fun I loaded what I had into Samplr and had a play recording the result into AudioShare and loading it into the Auria project for some more arranging. Finally I added some grain synthesis ambient goodness from Grain Science and Sparkle.


Day 242: Tuesday 26 April 2016

Audio, Tracks, Uncategorized No Comment


Somehow things sound a little different whenever I use a physical or hardware instrument along side the iPad.

Today I was MicroBrute-ing. There are three tracks from the MicroBrute in fact; recorded into Auria with BiasFX. Plus one from iSem, plus the jackhammer type sounds which are from iSpark.


Day 241: Monday 25 April 2016

Michelle, Tracks, Uncategorized, Videos No Comment

The Silver Lining:

Everything was done inside Auria today. Beginning with Patterning, then two layers of Poseidon, then two layers of Bass both playing Michelle into BiasFX.

The Video:

Stills made in iColorama, arranged in Pinnacle Studio then run through Generate, both versions layered using Vjay before being run through CinemaFX.


Day 240: Sunday 24 April 2016

Audio, Tracks, Uncategorized No Comment

Of Ships And Their Passing:

More of my Bass today, though she takes a back seat in this one.

Patterning for the drum duties, helped by: Caramel, AUFX:Peak, DubFilter, AUFX:Dub, FLUX:FX, and AudioShare. Addictive Synth for the other sounds. All assembled in Auria. The final mix was slowed by 90% in TwistedWave because…reasons.


Day 239: Saturday 23 April 2016

Ambient, Audio, Soundscape, Tracks, Vocalscape No Comment

Visiting Circe:

A soundscape.

I used Grain Science and Borderlands Granular for this, assembled in Auria.


Day 238: Friday 22 April 2016

Audio, Bass 'Scape, Michelle, Tracks No Comment

Too Little Too Soon:

I came armed with my bass today, it’s been way too long since last we met and I really must spend more time with her.

I jammed into Auria using BiasFX and a simple beat from Patterning which I also slowed by 50% in TwistedWave, then I added a little Addictive Synth for good measure.

It makes me happy 🙂


Day 237: Thursday 21 April 2016

Ambient, Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Taking It Easy (A History In Four Parts):

An Ambient Beatscape.

Today I used primarily Alchemy.

I made a project and jammed it into AudioShare three times liking the third one best. I loaded that into Sector and ran it through three different projects, recording each into AudioShare.

Now I had a vision of how I wanted the track to be so I trimmed a drum free segment out of the first file and I looped it, again in AudioShare, with ApeDelay and Dedalus.

Finally I had assembled all the parts I needed. So, it was into Auria with them all for some cutting and pasting and deleting and arranging.

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