Kaos Jam #8:
Just before I began this ‘Year Of Posting’ I did a short series of videos/tracks which I called Electronica Snippets based around either iKaossilator or Figure. A little similar in concept to yesterday’s post from Alchemy except that these two apps are simpler, almost toy like, though I know fans of these apps will not like my saying so. Apologies iKaossilatorettes and Figureistas, I do enjoy using these apps honestly. In fact I relish the challenge of getting something out of them that I like.
Anyway the idea was to make a song in the app and jam it into AudioShare, often using effects to get a little more sonic variation.
Today’s track fits right into this series using as it does iKaossilator, AudioShare, and Dedalus.
Here is a link to the series if you are interested :
The Video:
Some of my usual apps on display again today: Fluid FX, Pinnacle Studio, Generate, and CinemaFX.
December 23, 2018
December 16, 2018