Archive for May, 2016


Day 267: Saturday 21 May 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Deceptively Simple:


iMaschine is my main instrument here (drum kits in all 4 parts as is often my way), with a little appearance from iElectribe and DM2. So it’s all drum machines today.

Effects used were Dedalus and AUFX:Dub. Auria helped put it all together.


Day 266: Friday 20 May 2016

Audio, Beatscape, EDM, Tracks No Comment

Giving Birth In A Car Park (To The Melodious Sound Of Jackhammers And Cranes):

A slightly strange, quirky little Beatscape.

I had no idea how this would turn out but I guess that’s true of everything that I do.

I began by trying to figure out DM2 a little more (which I did), recorded the ‘song’ from there into AudioShare with FLUX:FX and Emo Chorus, put that into Auria, combined it with a few Poseidon arps and a recording of me saying ‘huh’, and that was about it 🙂

It took all day (between doing family and life stuff) and gives an unexpected result. But I’m quite happy with that.


Day 265: Thursday 19 May 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Cheesy Drummer Travels Far And Wide, Finds Himself (Fancy That):

A gentle piece of Electronica today.

Made with a combination of Keezy Drummer (a little beat that I made on my iPhone while walking the dog), DM2 (yes it came out today and I had to give it a run), Addictive Synth (re-using an arpeggio from last year with a different sound and speed, but don’t tell anyone), and Auria. With a little help from AudioShare, Dedalus, ApeFilter, AltiSpace, and Caramel.


Day 264: Weds 18 May 2016

Ambient, Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Moments Like These:

Ambient Beatscape.

I began today with an ambient jam in Shoom. There are three sound engines with 2 oscillators each plus noise. It’s great fun to start from scratch, designing the first sound and moving on to the others, designing them to fit, then jamming a track into AudioShare (in this case with Dedalus and ApeFilter).

I then moved on to Diode-108 which I enjoy very much but haven’t used in a while, altering slightly the beat that loaded, recording it through the same AudioShare effect chain plus Caramel, then repeating three times with different sounds.

Next I loaded everything into Auria for arranging.

Finally I turned to Poseidon for a little arpeggio action that I could throw into the mix.

I hope that you enjoy the result.

Peace Out Tracklings.


Day 263: Tuesday 17 May 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Holographic Deities Unite In Distain For Wetware Mortals; Trouble Ensues:

Pure Beatscape, nothing but drum machine.

Yes I seem to be in the mood for simplicity at the moment.

Gadget provided the sounds, I used just one instance of each of the drum or drum-like modules: London, Amsterdam, and Tokyo. Exported the result to AudioShare where I effected it with Dedalus, ApeDelay (my new favourite combination), and Caramel. Imported both to Auria for layering and arranging. Cut out a couple of hits for a breakdown in the middle. Bingo.


Day 262: Monday 16 May 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Gentle Genial Denial:

A Beatscape today pure and simple.

Patterning, AudioShare, Reverb FDN, Dedalus, DubFilter.


Day 261: Sunday 16 May 2016

Ambient, Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment


An Ambient Beatscape made entirely in Gadget; jammed into AudioShare with Dedalus.


Day 260: Saturday 14 May

Audio, Soundscape, Tracks No Comment

Friday Frame:

A Soundscape today. Made with just Alchemy and Auria. Sometimes simple is best.


Day 259: Friday 13 May 2016

Audio, Featuring Trudi McBoody, Spoken Word, Tracks No Comment

He Wept:

iMaschine 2 and Alchemy provided the raw materials for today, combined in Auria, shaken then stirred, effected with FLUX:FX, and flavoured with a little Addictive Synth and a little Trudi (iSpeech TTS, AudioShare, TwistedWave).

Peace Out Tracklings.


Day 258: Thursday 12 May 2016

Audio, EDM, Tracks No Comment

Maschine A Day #9:

Just iMaschine 2 today jammed into AudioShare.

Another busy day with my energies being required by life and not fully available for the musics, so I turned to iMaschine for a quick music fix and sure enough…

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