June 12, 2016
Dream Machinations Echoed:
A strangely chaotic little Electronic Beatscape today.
All the sounds are from DM2 processed through AudioShare, AUFX:Dub, Dedalus, ApeFilter, Dedalus again, Auria, Caramel, AudioShare again with Caramel and EmoChorus, and back to Auria.
It’s a good example of the backwards and forwards between apps that often occurs.
June 12, 2016
Chain Me Unchain Me:
Another of my recent attempts to play with (and perhaps subvert) some of the more loop based, EDM type apps that are available to us. It’s a fun experiment if nothing else.
Today I used BlocsWave which is definitely one of the more sophisticated of these apps. I also used AudioShare, TwistedWave, Dedalus and DubFilter.
June 10, 2016
I don’t know how to classify today’s track. Is it DownTempo if it’s EDM slowed way down? Or does that genre name mean something more as well? I have no idea.
Anyway I began this in Auxy Music Studio which is somehow related to Auxy, that I have been using a bit this week. I don’t quite understand how they relate to each other but I discovered one version on my iPad and the other on my iPhone, so I thought I’d give this one a run.
They are both loop based apps aimed, I think, at EDM type stuff but I’m happy at the moment to play with that and see how I might be able to pull them in my direction.
So I made a little thing in the app, transferred the audio to AudioShare and treated it with Dedalus and ApeFilter, and also saved the midi versions. Opened them all in Auria where the midi versions where used to drive other internal sounds. I mixed and arranged these into a track which I then ran though Dedalus at a sample ratio of 0.75.
I hope that makes sense and that you enjoy the result.
June 9, 2016
Rain Falling (On The Just & On The Unjust):
An Ambient Soundscape today.
Xynthesizr to AudioShare to TwistedWave to SilQ Equalizer to Dedalus to AUFX:Dub.
June 8, 2016
Languid Signal To Noise Ratio:
I’m presenting a Soundscape today.
If you’ve been following this journey with me you will remember that I began with many soundscapes but lately things have gone a different route. I’ve wanted to do a soundscape for days now but my attempts have been a little lame.
Today I nailed it 🙂
I began this in an inauspicious way (considering the final result) with Auxy which is geared towards a more EDM style (see yesterday). I did in fact make a piece that I liked very much in an Auxy style, then I rerecorded it at a much lower bpm and using only a few of the elements; into AudioShare with ApeFilter, Dedalus, and AUFX:Dub.
This I loaded into iDensity, into all 6 streams, and then played that into Dedalus at 0.25 Sampler Ratio in AudioShare with ApeFilter again.
It’s long… I guess it’s a big ask to think someone will listen to a 20 minute abstract track, especially in this short attention span world, but I personally think this piece needs to be that long so the listener can really enter the world I’m presenting and just BE in that world.
Anyway I hope you like it.
June 7, 2016
Too Many Cooks:
A little fun was had today, a beaty loopy electronica piece courtesy of Auxy on my iPhone.
It’s one of those fun little loop based apps that are made for EDM type stuff, which isn’t my usual fare and I did slow it to 90 bpm but I still got a pretty funky groove going on I think 😉
I made it at 100bpm and recorded it to AudioShare, transferred it to the iPad with iTunes sharing, slowed it to 90 with TwistedWave, back to AudioShare where I ran it through ApeFilter and Dedalus (I’m just obsessed with this combo at the moment), then finally I loaded both versions to Auria where I did a little mixing and rearranging.
June 7, 2016
Penny For Your Thoughts:
A Beatscape.
Made with Elastic Drums and DM2, I made a beat in each centred around the same bass drum pattern, recorded them into Auria using Wow2 as a plugin on one. Then I slowed it in TwistedWave and ran it through AUFX:PeakQ to tame the EQ a little.
I intended to add some more elements but ran out of time. On reflection it does seem quite finished as is but I may update with a new version if it seems to work. It is not uncommon for me to spend ages adding stuff to tracks only to go back to an earlier less cluttered version. I do value simplicity.
June 5, 2016
Jelly Baby?:
A very slow and sparse Beatscape made with iMaschine 2 jammed into AudioShare with ApeFilter, Dedalus, and ApeDelay, then rearranged in Auria with a version of itself treated with Caramel and AUFX:Dub.
June 4, 2016
June 4, 2016
Inflexible Shot:
A gentle piece of slow almost ambient electronica courtesy of Korg’s Gadget, which you may have noticed is getting a workout this week. This track is my most complicated use of Gadget so far; using 10 tracks, 12 scenes, and 6 different Gadgets. I’m sure that is nothing to many users, but I lean towards the simple.
I recorded the result to AudioShare then effected it with Dedalus and ApeFilter and imported both versions to Auria where I blended the effected track so it gave a more subtle texture rather than being overwhelming.
Finally I exported all tracks from Gadget and imported just the bass and the tinkling piano sound into Auria for some emphasis and to add some delay to the piano.