August 27, 2016
It’s been fun folks, a great experience to learn more about music and more about myself. A huge shout out to those of you who have followed this journey, your support and interest has meant a lot to me. A special thank you to my lovely wife Lene without whose love and support nothing would be possible.
Something a little different for you on this last day. Something that I think is a little bit special…it’s a video, it’s an ambient piece, it’s a spoken word, it’s a field recording.
Ladies and Gentlemen I give you…
Peace and joy to you all Tracklings.
August 26, 2016
Under A Stone:
Only one more post and my Year Of Posting will be complete.
Today I have a Soundscape for you. Chaotic rhythms, voices, and eventually an ambient scene chase each other across the landscape in a six part tango.
iDensity is the star here, I loaded my own files into all six streams but I used an existing preset from Red Sky Lullaby which I adjusted as needed. The whole thing was jammed three times into AudioShare; this is the third jam (it got more and more defined as I went).
Tracks like this illustrate the need to work regularly and often as it takes advantage of multple tracks from multiple days over months. At least two of the files have already been used in previous tracks but I have no issue with introducing the same sounds etc to new contexts. Helper apps today include: iMPC Pro, ApeFilter, Dedalus, ApeDelay, Auria, Xynthesizr, TwistedWave, AUFX:Dub, AUFX:Space, Patterning, and FLUX:FX.
August 25, 2016
Wandering Womb:
Another Gadget excursion featuring many of my own samples via Bilbao, today also featuring the vocal stylings of the inimitable Trudi McBoody.
Trudi as usual brought to you be iSpeech TTS and TwistedWave. Batteries not included.
August 24, 2016
A gentle groove, a smooth and soothing Beatscape.
Nothing but drum and beat apps were used today. I began in iMaschine 2 using drums in three of the parts, I also had a chordal part but I abandoned that halfway through, as it became more and more obvious that it got in the way of the story. I exported the parts separately and loaded them into Auria for arrangement. Next I loaded a Diode-108 file which I had in my ‘beats’ folder and an iSpark file (which I may have used previously). They were all in related bpms and on listening through my beats folder these two stood out as ones that would fit.
Arrange arrange, mix mix and Bob’s your Uncle.
August 23, 2016
The Logician’s Locket Franchise:
Beats and other sounds at 120 bpm, it must be some sort of EDM 🙂
Step One: Make some music in Gadget.
Step Two: Flavour it with AudioShare, ApeFilter, Dedalus, and DubFilter.
Step Three: Place all the ingredients into the Auria mixing bowl and whisk carefully.
Step Four: Add some vocals that have been steeped in Borderlands Ganular.
Step Five: Arrange artfully on the plate and season to taste with AUFX:PeakQ.
Bon Appetit.
August 22, 2016
A Delicate Irritation:
Gadget can be used not only for beat driven EDM stuff but for just about anything that you can imagine. Here I am imagining a delicate melancholy; peaceful but with a darkness, if not looming, at least on the horizon. Perhaps a flower with just the first hint of decay.
Gadget fed into Dedalus, then into TwistedWave, then into Auria for mixing.
August 21, 2016
It”s Moments Like These:
Of Bilbao and Abu Dhabi in Gadget, how I love thee.
Special thanks to Trudi for a last minute performance 😉
August 20, 2016
Straining Gnats With A Barbed Wire Canoe:
Another beat driven Gadget track again using Bilbao and Abu Dhabi to trigger samples, some my own and some built in. PPG Phonem gets it’s first outing today as one of those samples and my voice is hidden in there as well.
I find it a fun track, I hope you do to.
August 19, 2016
Afloat On A Lullaby:
My music often tends to the dark side but sometimes a little lightness breaks through.
The flute is from Mitosynth and I ran it through Dedalus. That’s it.
Dream on Tracklings.
August 18, 2016
Ran Domised:
Dark Schizophrenic EDM Disturbia. Random thoughts and feelings gathered and collected by Soul Crows. Beware the Ran Domish!
Today’s cast includes: zMors Modular, AudioShare, AUFX:Dub, Sector, Auria, and MitoSynth.
May the bored have mercy on your soul.