Archive for August, 2016


Day 355: Weds 17 August 2016

Audio, Beatscape, EDM, Tracks No Comment

Illegal Delivery:

Yes it’s short, minimal, and soothing. It’s sweet and gentle; like a fine wine or the memory of favourite old times, like a dream during a nap on a sunny afternoon, like a sip of Bailey’s. Like a quiet smile.

All the sounds here were sampled from AnalogKit in AudioShare then loaded into Bilbao in Gadget via Dropbox; so expect to hear them again in other situations. The final song was exported to AudioShare and treated with AUFX:Dub.

May your day be simple and sweet.

Love Grant


Day 354: Tuesday 16 August 2016

Audio, EDM, Tracks No Comment


Another Bilbao drenched Gadget track using mostly my own samples.

It feels partly silly and quirky but also feels a little dark and uncomfortable.


Day 353: Monday 15 August 2016

Audio, EDM, Tracks No Comment

Fiat Ad Nauseam:

It’s a Bilbao fest in Gadget today, six instances in fact, three loaded with my own samples. With 10 tracks and 11 scenes it’s about as complicated as I get 🙂

No other apps were used. Great fun was had.


Day 352: Sunday 14 August 2016

Audio, EDM, Featuring Trudi McBoody, Spoken Word, Tracks No Comment

Silent Sound – featuring Trudi McBoody:

Another Gadget foray into the land of beats and bass, this time with a little spoken word thrown in thanks to the ever fictional Trudi McBoody.

Most sounds were made in Gadget, though today I used iFretless Bass as a midi controller to record the second bass line. I added a little AUFX:Dub in AudioShare before I decided to try that second bass, so I exported just that track and used Auria to mix the two parts together.

Then I felt it needed some words so I called in Trudi. In the form of iSpeech TTS and TwistedWave.


Day 351: Saturday 13 August 2016

Audio, Guitar 'Scape, Tracks No Comment

Becky (For What It’s Worth):

Something a bit different today, a track made entirely with guitar; though sifted through my iPad mania.

I recently got my beautiful 12 string electric guitar back after 2 years of separation and this is the result of our first play together. I haven’t changed the strings yet, and one broke as I tuned it up, I just plugged into my iPad with AudioShare and BiasFX and we got reacquainted for a while. It’s a little rough, you can hear how my hands aren’t used to this anymore but that imperfection lends a little charm, to my ears at least.

Anyway, I effected it with FLUX:FX, put it into Auria where I rearranged it a bit, then I did my little fav trick of slowing it down in TwistedWave before adding some occasional delay with AUFX:Dub.


Day 350: Friday 12 August 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Soundscape, Tracks No Comment

Cruciform Peritonitis:

A solemn Soundscape takes a  melancholy turn with the introduction of melodic and beat elements.

Soundscaper recorded with AUFX:Dub, FLUX:FX, and Dedalus in AudioShare using a Gadget file as sound source. Combined in Auria with an iMaschine jam.


Day 349: Thursday 11 August 2016

Abstract, Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Standing In A Glass House: Stone In Hand:

This slightly paranoid Beatscape struggles with itself before the Lithium kicks in.

The beat was made with DM2 and then flavoured with Dedalus, ApeFilter, and FLUX:FX (twice). Also used were AudioShare and Auria.


Day 348: Weds 10 August 2016

Abstract, Audio, Soundscape, Tracks No Comment

Toad Tango:

An Abstract Soundscape that somehow goes to prove that toads can tango too.

Made primarily with Borderlands Granular and Idensity, both using a Gadget file as the sound source. Some effects courtesy of AUFX:Dub and Dedalus. And finally of course AudioShare was the facilitator and Auria was the queen bee.

Most of today was taken up with ‘housekeeping’, the boring but essential behind the scenes tasks like filing, making space on the iPad, tidying the hard drive etc etc.

It’s not all glamour and glitz at TrackaDay you know 🙂

Keep on truckin’ Trackers.


Day 347: Tuesday 9 August 2016

Ambient, Audio, Soundscape, Tracks No Comment


I do love an Abstract Soundscape. An immersive journey through (and with) sound.

iDensity was the only app used today. I highly recommend it for this sort of music.



Day 346: Monday 8 August 2016

Audio, EDM, Tracks No Comment


A simple little unassuming piece of electronica today.

Gadget was where it all began but I also used AudioShare and FLUX:FX to mess it up before moving things to Auria for mixing and arranging,. Then I added a Patterning beat, then another, before finally rearranging everything as you hear.

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