Archive for August, 2016


Day 345: Sunday 7 August 2016

Ambient, Audio, Tracks No Comment

Made To Measure:

An Ambient piece today.

I started with the bassline that I made with iFretless Bass recorded into Auria, then I added the electric piano using Module which I recorded as both audio and midi, then I gave the midi to a glockenspiel (using Auria’s inbuilt sampler) and two different sounds from Addictive Synth. Finally I added a drum hit from my ‘beat snippets’ folder in AudioShare where I collect bits for just such an occasion.



Day 344: Saturday 6 August 2016

Abstract, Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Scrapyard Bouquet:

An experimental, chaotic, abstract Beatscape. Close your eyes and imagine yourself inside the space.

iPulsaret, ApeFilter, Dedalus, Crystalline, AUFX:Dub, AudioShare.


Day 343: Friday 5 August 2016

Audio, EDM, Tracks No Comment

Megatron Bitemiester:

This one has an angry feel, hence the artwork to match 😉

I used a slightly different process today; recording my MicroBrute into AudioShare via BiasFX. It’s a simple arpeggio that I played with the sequencer while adjusting settings. I then added some drums.

AudioShare, BiasFX, TwistedWave, Auria, DM1, Caramel.


Day 342: Thursday 4 August 2016

Ambient, Audio, Beatscape, Soundscape, Tracks No Comment


A playlist for you today, a mini album, an EP. Four tracks that take you on a journey, or rather lose you on one.

The apps used: Moodscaper, Gadget, AudioShare, Dedalus, ApeFilter, FLUX:FX.

I hope you enjoy the experience. Rock on Tracklings.


Day 341: Weds 3 August 2016

Abstract, Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

The Crucible Burns (Slow & Dark):

Slow and dark, mean spirited and painful; this Beatscape borders on the chaotic and the abstract, it punishes the pure and the wicked alike, it lavishes it’s disinterested brutality on all comers. You have been warned.

iMaschine 2, Dedalus, ApeFilter, AudioShare.


Day 340: Tuesday 2 August 2016

Audio, EDM, Pianoscape, Tracks No Comment


Another minimal piece.

This time a relentlessly simple (hence the title) beat from Patterning is overlaid with an equally simple electric piano bass line which is echoed by simple chord voicings. Korg’s Module is the piano app.


Day 339: Monday 1 August 2016

Audio, EDM, Tracks No Comment

Eating A PreMade Loop Sandwich; Shitting Out Gold:

Sorry about the cheeky title 🙂

I do on occasion post a track that comes from a loop type app where all I’m basically doing is arranging pre-made loops. Now some people object to this on the grounds that it’s not fully your’s, and I agree. I am most proud of and I strive to achieve tracks that are fully representative of my vision (that sounds pretentious) and my life. However…I’m not of a purist disposition, I enjoy playing with these apps and especially if I can give it my spin, make it feel like it belongs in my oeuvre, then I have no problem joining in and seeing what I do.

Anyway I did that today with an app I just heard about Remixlive. It comes with some free sound packs and then you can buy more as IAPs as well as an IAP to import your own loops where of course the objections I covered earlier cease to apply. However I have yet to delve into the IAPs and just used the free Dubstep sound set here. I jammed this arrangement, exported it to AudioShare then to Dedalus where I ran it at 0.70 sampler ratio which slowed the 140 bpm to 98 (more in my zone) and also lowers the pitch and stretches the samples. Finally back in AudioShare I treated it with AUFX:Dub to give the regularly occuring snare delay.

I must say that despite the fact that I had nothing to do with the making of the sounds or the loops I feel that I have made this my own. On top of the fact that I had a great time making it.

I guess I’m saying that even though I have the skills to make everything from scratch, I don’t feel that I have to that all the time. Music, like life, exists on a spectrum (in fact it’s a multidimensional spectrum) and I see no reason to artificially limit my participation.

Rant over. I hope you enjoy the sounds 🙂

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