October 30, 2018
Hello Peeps,
If there are any peeps out there 😉
It often feels like I’m alone yelling into the abyss but I guess yelling into the abyss is useful for it’s catharsis if nothing else. Perhaps I should change the name of this Blog to ‘Yelling Into The Abyss’.
Anyway, Hello again. It’s been a while I know. It’s not that I haven’t been working, in fact the last few months have been very productive and I have a number of projects on the go; it’s just that I’ve been unsure of the future or direction of this blog or the place it might have in my process.
Today I decided to start posting again and see if or how it develops.
So, here is todays piece. Yesterday and last night was the first snow of the season and this feels like my homage to the beginning of winter.