December 23, 2018
Merry Christmas Peeps! Here’s hoping we all have a good one.
I don’t think I’ve achieved my monthly goals but I refuse to beat myself up about it. Onward and upward I say.
Lots of music was made and that’s the main thing
Here is an EP I made this week. I hope you enjoy it.
December 16, 2018
Today I posted the eighth edition of the Totally Fictional Radio Show and it’s a selection of the tracks that I made this week, so I guess it’s a good summary of the current mix of my musical journey. Part groovescape, part beatscape, part soundscape.
December 10, 2018
This week I returned to the Totally Fictional Radio Show. I last published one in November 2017 so it’s been a while. My big depression of that time caused me to doubt myself too much to carry on with it but I’ve reconsidered.
I gathered 11 tracks from my November output and presented them as a show fronted by the fictional Trudi McBoody on the fictional radio station FCKU. For those who don’t know it’s a conceit that began with a track in 2015 called Give Me All Your Money and which is still slowly evolving. Basically Trudi presents my music as if it’s from a group of regular contributors The Totally Fictional Team which represent different aspects of my music making. Sort like the different characters in my head. Trudi herself has been a developing character over that time as have the various persons.
It’s fun for me and a chance to present my tracks in a different, extended format.
You can check out the show here…
December 3, 2018
Well that was a busy month. A completely ridiculous 83 tracks posted. The weird thing is that it didn’t feel rushed or difficult, it all just flowed out.
I competed Novembeat 2018…
I’m so happy with this set of tracks that I plan to release it as an album on Bandcamp, minus the ones which use samples from a film, just in case it leads to trouble 😉
I also completed National Solo Album Month. You can check that out here if you like…
Plus a whole swathe of groove jams, plus an assortment of other stuff. Phew. That’s five and a half hours of music so I don’t imagine anyone will listen to it all but it is available here…
Because releasing stuff into the world is what it’s all about… maybe.
This month I plan to:
a) experiment more with my live performance ideas,
b) check out some other apps which I own but haven’t got to grips with, because the way of working which they have may surprise and delight me.
c) sort out the mastering of my Autumnal Grooves album which I want to release officially for sale, before Christmas hopefully.
d) record the words/lyrics/poems that have built up over the last few months.
There is more but if I concentrate on those for December it should keep me pretty busy. Let’s review my progress at the end of the month.
Cheers folks, keep on keeping on.