Archive for the Beatscape category


Day 350: Friday 12 August 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Soundscape, Tracks No Comment

Cruciform Peritonitis:

A solemn Soundscape takes a  melancholy turn with the introduction of melodic and beat elements.

Soundscaper recorded with AUFX:Dub, FLUX:FX, and Dedalus in AudioShare using a Gadget file as sound source. Combined in Auria with an iMaschine jam.


Day 349: Thursday 11 August 2016

Abstract, Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Standing In A Glass House: Stone In Hand:

This slightly paranoid Beatscape struggles with itself before the Lithium kicks in.

The beat was made with DM2 and then flavoured with Dedalus, ApeFilter, and FLUX:FX (twice). Also used were AudioShare and Auria.


Day 344: Saturday 6 August 2016

Abstract, Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Scrapyard Bouquet:

An experimental, chaotic, abstract Beatscape. Close your eyes and imagine yourself inside the space.

iPulsaret, ApeFilter, Dedalus, Crystalline, AUFX:Dub, AudioShare.


Day 342: Thursday 4 August 2016

Ambient, Audio, Beatscape, Soundscape, Tracks No Comment


A playlist for you today, a mini album, an EP. Four tracks that take you on a journey, or rather lose you on one.

The apps used: Moodscaper, Gadget, AudioShare, Dedalus, ApeFilter, FLUX:FX.

I hope you enjoy the experience. Rock on Tracklings.


Day 341: Weds 3 August 2016

Abstract, Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

The Crucible Burns (Slow & Dark):

Slow and dark, mean spirited and painful; this Beatscape borders on the chaotic and the abstract, it punishes the pure and the wicked alike, it lavishes it’s disinterested brutality on all comers. You have been warned.

iMaschine 2, Dedalus, ApeFilter, AudioShare.


Day 331: Sunday 24 July 2016

Abstract, Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Searching For The Language Of Ultimate Clarity:

A Beatscape today; minimal, sparse, harsh, uncompromising.

The title is from Solshenitsyn’s In The First Circle which I am currently rereading in a new translation; it seems to me to encapsulate not only this track but my whole Beatscape concept where I am attempting to a) tell a story, b) describe a journey, c) present a picture, and/or d) evoke a feeling. All with the most minimal tools and with no, or at least very little, recourse to melody and harmony; relying instead on my favourite elements in music: rhythm, texture, and colour (timbre).

On a side note I often reread my favourite books (this is my 4th reading of this one) just as I re-watch favourite movies and TV shows and re-listen to favourite songs and albums and indeed re-visit favourite artworks in galleries or books. This surprises some people but I don’t understand why.

iElectribe provided the basis of this track assisted by AudioShare, ApeFilter, Dedalus, and AUFX:Dub.


Day 329: Friday 22 July 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Apparent Calm:

An uncompromising, harsh, noisy Beatscape today. Perhaps my favourite kind.

I don’t know why I called it Apparent Calm as there is no calm of any kind here. Irony? Sarcasm? Stupidity? If I don’t know who does?

iElectribe is the culprit here with AudioShare, ApeFilter, and Dedalus as accomplices.


Day 328: Thursday 21 July 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Paper Bag Brings Closure:

A Beatscape; slow, dark, and abstract.

Made entirely in Gadget. Today I loaded some of my own samples into Bilbao for the first time.


Day 327: Weds 20 July 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Maschine A Day #20:

Part of my ongoing occasional series of quick tracks made with iMaschine, this was jammed into AudioShare with Dedalus and ApeFilter. Slow and sparse (which you may have noticed is how I roll) it has a quirky quality that appeals to me.


Day 322: Friday 15 July 2016

Audio, Beatscape, Tracks No Comment

Dressed For Distressed:

A Beatscape using only some of the more rhythmically oreintated Gadgets in Gadget.

I’m cramming lots of family and friends stuff in the last few days of my holiday so please forgive me if these posts have gotten a bit laconic 🙂


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